
bluelemon has specialized in several key industries to develop real expertise.
These specializations enable us to quickly understand customer issues and propose effective solutions.

Beauty & cosmetics

For all types of campaigns: product launches, 360 campaigns, campaign adaptations...

And for all types of objectives: whether you want to launch on social networks without distorting your brand, or enrich them.

Bluelemon will work with you to create content tailored to your needs and in line with your promotional calendar.

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For all types of training: initial, continuing education, baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate...
We help you recruit your future class with native campaigns.
By feeding your social networks or developing other platforms (Twitch, TikTok...).

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Startup & Tech

We don't think lead, we think deal!
bluelemon supports you from the beginning of the set-up to the signature.

Living at the heart of the startup nation and with Tech backgrounds, our strategic teams anticipate marketing and technological innovations.

They know the market inside out and react quickly to adapt campaigns.

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And many more...

Consulting & B2B services

Perfumery I Tourism I Travel I Banking & Insurance I Fashion & Retail

I Food & Catering I Optics & Hearing I Real Estate & Logistics

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